From the experience that contributes each one of the companies that integrate the alliance, BESSER has become a cutting edge alternative in the benefit of legal services of consultancy and litigation, having privileged the specialization, quality and commitment in the relations that have constructed with their clients.
Besser Law Firm Alliance, counts on a force of more than one hundred lawyers and specialists who are transforming the practice of the right into Mexico, integrating in a same platform a multidisciplinary vision, cost – efficient and flexible.
Our Practice
Business Law
Litigation, Microfinanzas, social Responsibility and viability.
Personal Data and Privacy Protection
Integral consultant’s office in the matter of privacy, protection of personal data and security of the information.
Intellectual Property Law
Optimal advice on any aspect of Intellectual Property, Patents, Trademarks and Copyright, Regulatory, Valuation of intangibles, Licensing and Franchises.
Labour Law
Advice on the development of individual and collective contracting schemes, advice on the granting of various benefits and incentive plans, recruitment scheme and expatriate packages.
Migration Law
Consultancy and attendance with: Migratory policies and programs, visa Obtaining and documents including procedure, legalization and/or apostille, Planning of enterprise allocations.
Implementación de recursos de cumplimiento normativo, integridad y Compliance.
Get in contact with us.

“Méndez + Cortés S.C. es una excelente boutique: muy profesional y receptiva, con facturación transparente y precios razonable. La firma está dirigida conjuntamente por sus dos socios Emmanuel García Cortés en el lado de las patentes, y el experto en marcas José M. Juan Méndez, que es extremadamente dedicado, confiable y altamente experimentado, quien es un excelente litigante de la propiedad intelectual”.

“Pizá Abogados es una firma innovadora con una perspectiva global dedicada a brindar servicios legales a empresas nacionales y transnacionales de conformidad con la ley. La firma está ampliamente especializada en litigios y consultoría laboral, ha creado diferentes criterios ante las Juntas de Conciliación y Arbitraje, así como en los Tribunales de Circuito Colegiados, defendiendo exitosamente los intereses y políticas de las compañías que asesora2.